Washing machine does not take in water

Popular question

If the washing machine does not take in water, check the following:

Step 1:

The error may be due to problems with the water supply - check whether the water hose is correctly seated on the tap.

Step 2:

The fault can be caused by lime and gravel in the sand filter at the hose connection, which can also result in problems with the water supply. The sand filter is a kind of strainer which is placed at the end of the supply hose, where the supply hose is screwed onto the tap.

Step 3:

Fejlen kan skyldes for lavt vandtryk. Du kan teste det ved, at skrue slangen af hanen, tænde for hanen og lade vandet løbe fra hanen ned i en spand. Eller du kan lukke for vandet, afmontere slangen fra vaskemaskinen, og derefter åbne for vandet og lade det løbe ned i en spand.

Step 4:

The error may be due to the water valve being stuck and therefore not opening/closing the water. In this case, you will need to replace the water valve.

Popular question

If the washing machine switches off the relay or blows a fuse, check the following:

Step 5:

The error may be due to the hose between the level control and the pump or the bottom hose being clogged with limescale and soap residue. This will result in the level control not being able to measure the water level and therefore the washing machine not taking in water. Clean the hose by soaking the disassembled hose in lukewarm water.

Step 6:

The error may be due to the level control not working, and therefore will not register that the machine must take in water.

Step 7:

The error may be due to the fact that there is already water in the washing machine. This could be, for example, if it has not emptied the water after previous washing. In this case, you will have to replace the pump.

Does the above not help?

If the above tips do not help, do not hesitate to contact us or book a service visit.

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