If your washing machine displays error code 1E, an error has been detected with the level control.
With error code 1E, it is likely that the washing machine's level control is faulty.
Find level control hereIf your washing machine displays the error code 1LC, an error has been detected with the level control.
With error code 1LC, it is likely that the washing machine's level control is faulty.
Find level control hereError code 3E indicates engine failure.
If your washing machine displays the error code E3, it is typically due to too much clothes in the washing machine, clothes stuck in the drum of the washing machine or faults in the wiring. First remove half the contents of the washing machine and then start the programme. If your washing machine still shows error code 3E, check if there is a piece of clothing stuck in the drum of the washing machine and then start the program again. If this does not work turn off the washing machine and then disconnect the power to the machine by pulling the fuse out of the socket.
If you are still experiencing error code 3E after following all the steps, it may be a faulty motor that needs to be replaced.
Find engine hereIf your washing machine shows error code 3E1, there is an overload of the motor.
Error code 3E1 is typically caused by either too much laundry in the washing machine or a faulty control module.
Find control module hereError code 3E2 indicates engine failure.
If your washing machine displays the error code 3E2, it is typically because the control module is faulty.
Find control module hereError code 3E3 indicates a fault with the electronics.
If your washing machine shows the error code 3E3, it can both be due to a defective control module, but in other cases it can also be other electrical parts that are defective. We recommend that you contact us on: 98 18 21 00
Find control module hereError code E34 indicates a fault with the electronics.
If your washing machine shows the error code 3E4, it may be due to a faulty control module, the lala alarm may also in other cases be other electrical parts which are faulty. We recommend that you contact us on: 98 18 21 00
Find control module hereIf your washing machine shows error code 4C, your washing machine did not get enough water before starting the programme. If the washing machine does not get enough water within 10 minutes, the program will stop automatically and will then display error code 4C.
If you have tried all the above steps and still get error code 4C, it is probably the control that is faulty.
Find control here Find level control hereError code 4E indicates an error with the water supply.
If your washing machine shows error code 4C, your washing machine did not get enough water before starting the programme. If the washing machine does not get enough water within 10 minutes, the program will stop automatically and will then display error code 4C.
If you have tried all the above steps and still get error code 4C, it is probably the control that is faulty.
Find control here Find level control hereError code 4E1 indicates temperature error.
If your washing machine displays the error code 4E1, it is typically due to the temperature sensor / NTC sensor being defective.
Find NTC sensor hereError code 4ED indicates temperature error.
If your washing machine displays the error code 4ED, it is typically because the temperature sensor / NTC sensor is defective.
With error code 1LC, it is likely that the washing machine's level control is faulty.
Find NTC sensor hereIf your washing machine displays the error code 5E, there are problems with emptying the water from the washing machine.
If your washing machine shows error code 5E, your washing machine did not get enough water before starting the programme. If the washing machine does not get enough water within 10 minutes, the program will stop automatically and will then display error code 5E.
Error code 6E fault with heater.
If your washing machine displays error code 6E, this is typically due to a faulty heating element. This error typically occurs when you have not descaled your washing machine.
Find heater here Find descaling agent hereError code 8E error with overcurrent error.
If your washing machine displays the error code 8E, pull the cord out of the socket and plug it in again after 30 seconds. If this does not solve the problem, it may be due to engine failure or engine carbon.
Find motor coal hereIf your washing machine displays the error code 9E1, there is a power failure.
Check the power cord and voltage.
If your washing machine displays the error code 9E2, there is a power failure.
Check the power cord and voltage.
Error code 11E indicates water level error.
Error code 11E typically occurs when the drain hose hangs too low. Make sure that the drain hose is connected above drain height and that it makes an upward arc.
If your washing machine displays error code 12E, there is a fault with the switch.
With error code 12E, the washing machine has registered that the switch button has been held down for more than 13 seconds. By releasing the power button, you will solve the problem. If error code 12E still occurs after removing the power button, the power button must be replaced.
Find level control hereIf your washing machine displays error code 13E, there is a communication error.
Error code 13E typically occurs when there is no connection between the main control module and other control modules. You can fix the problem by checking for loose connections.
Find level control hereIf your washing machine displays error code 14E, there is a fault with the function selector.
If error code 14E occurs during registration, one or more of the buttons has been held down for more than 13 seconds, excluding the power button. You can solve the problem by loosening the buttons. If this does not solve the problem, the buttons must be replaced.
If your washing machine displays the error code AE, there is a communication error.
Error code AE is typically caused when there is no connection between the main control module and other control modules. Fix the problem by checking for loose connections.
If your washing machine shows the error code BE, there is a TRIAC error.
With error code 12E, the washing machine has registered that the switch button has been held down for more than 13 seconds. By releasing the power button, you will solve the problem. If error code 12E still occurs after removing the power button, the power button must be replaced.
If your washing machine displays the error code BE1, there is a fault with the switch.
If error code BE1 occurs during registration, one or more of the buttons has been held down for more than 13 seconds, excluding the power button. You can solve the problem by loosening the buttons. If this does not solve the problem, the buttons must be replaced.
If your washing machine displays the error code BE2, there is an error with the function selector.
If error code BE2 occurs during registration, one or more of the buttons has been held down for more than 13 seconds, excluding the power button. You can solve the problem by loosening the buttons. If this does not solve the problem, the buttons must be replaced.
If your washing machine shows the error code DC, the door is open.
For error code DC, close the door to solve the problem. If closing the door does not resolve error code DC, the door lock is faulty.
Find door lock hereIf your washing machine displays the error code DE, the door is open.
In case of error code DE, you must ensure that the door is completely closed and check that there are no clothes stuck in the door. If the door does not close as it should, even after you have checked that there is nothing blocking the door, the door lock is defective.
If you still get error code DE, the error code may also be due to the drain hose hanging too low. By placing the drain hose at a height where it is level above the drain pump, the error code will stop.
Find door lock hereIf your washing machine displays the error code DE1, the door is open.
For error code DE1, closing the door will resolve the error code. If this does not solve the problem, the door lock must be replaced.
Find door lock hereIf your washing machine shows the error code DE2, there is a fault with the on/off button.
With error code DE2, the error code occurs when you have pressed the on/off button too many times. This will overheat the button therefore causing DE2.
Find level control hereIf your washing machine displays the error code 1LC, there is an error in the water supply.
With error code E1, it may be a faulty solenoid valve if the washing machine does not take in water. If your washing machine takes in water, it is typically due to a faulty level control.
Find level control hereIf your washing machine displays the error code E2, there are problems with emptying the water.
In case of error code E2, cleaning the fiber screen will be enough to stop the error code. If the problem is not solved, the drain pump may be defective.
Find drain pump hereIf your washing machine displays the error code E3, too much detergent has been used.
Error code E3 occurs when too much detergent has been added to the soap compartment. This will form too much foam which will then trigger error code E3. You can solve the problem by using less detergent.
If your washing machine displays the error code E4, an imbalance has been detected.
Error code E4 typically occurs when washing large pieces of clothing. By washing e.g. bedding, it will clump together and will therefore create an imbalance in the drum. You can solve this problem by putting more clothes in the washing machine so that it creates an equilibrium. If this does not solve the problem it may be a sign of a faulty level control.
Find level control hereIf your washing machine shows the error code E5 error with heating.
Error code E5 typically occurs due to a faulty heater.
Find heater hereIf your washing machine displays the error code E7, an error has been detected with the level control.
With error code E7, it is likely that the washing machine's level control is faulty.
Find level control hereIf your washing machine displays the error code E8, there is a water temperature error.
With error code E8, the water temperature is too high. This typically happens when the supply hose is connected to a hot water tap. Connect the drain hose to the cold water tap instead of resolving the error code.
If your washing machine displays the error code E9, there is a water level error.
Error code E9 occurs when the drain hose hangs too low. Solve the problem by connecting the outlet hose above drain height.
If your washing machine displays the error code EA, there is a motor fault.
In the case of error code EA, it can be caused by several defects. We recommend contacting us on: 98 18 21 00
If your washing machine displays the error code EB, there is a motor fault.
With error code EB, it can be caused by several defects. We recommend contacting us on: 98 18 21 00
If your washing machine displays the error code EC, there is a fault with the thermostat.
With error code EC, it is typically the thermostat that is defective and must be replaced.
Find thermostat hereIf your washing machine displays the error code ED, the door is open.
For error code ED, closing the door will resolve the error code. If this does not solve the problem, the door lock must be replaced.
Find door lock hereIf your washing machine displays the error code H1, there is a fault with the thermostat.
With error code H1, the thermostat is typically defective and must be replaced.
Find thermostat hereIf your washing machine displays the error code HE, there is a water temperature error.
With error code HE, the water temperature is too high. This typically happens when the supply hose is connected to a hot water tap. Connect the drain hose to the cold water tap instead of resolving the error code.
If your washing machine displays the error code HE1, there is an error with the heating.
With error code HE1, the typical error will be that the heater is defective.
Find heater hereIf your washing machine shows the error code LE, there is a water level error.
With error code LE, the washing machine has detected too low a water level in the machine.
If your washing machine displays the error code LE1, there is a water level error.
In the case of error code LE1, the drain hose hangs too low. By checking if the drain hose is connected above the drain height with an upward arc, you will solve fault code LE1.
Find heater hereIf your washing machine displays the error code OE, too much detergent has been used.
Error code OE occurs when too much detergent has been added to the soap compartment. This will create too much foam which will then trigger fault code E3. You can solve the problem by using less detergent.
If your washing machine displays the error code OF, there is an overflow error.
With error code OE, it may be a faulty solenoid valve if the washing machine does not take in water. If your washing machine takes in water, it is typically due to a faulty level control.
Find level control hereIf your washing machine displays the error code PH1, there is a power failure.
In case of error code PH1, the mains cable and priming must be examined.
If your washing machine displays the error code PH1, there is a power failure.
In case of error code PH1, the mains cable and priming must be examined.
If your washing machine displays the error code SUD, excess foam has been detected.
In case of error code SUD, lifting the string will typically be enough to remove error code SUD. If cleaning the lint does not remove the error code, try running the "Eco drum clean" program or run a wash at 90°C without detergent. If the error still occurs, it may be a sign of a defective drain pump.
Find drain pump hereIf your washing machine displays the error code T1, the washing machine is set to test mode.
For error code T1, pull the cord from the socket and reconnect after 30 seconds to resolve the error code.
If your washing machine displays the error code T1, the washing machine is set to test mode.
In case of error code T2, you must pull the cord from the socket and reconnect it after 30 seconds to resolve the error code.
If your washing machine displays the error code TE, there is a fault with the thermostat.
Error code TE typically occurs when the thermostat is defective. Replacing the thermostat will resolve the error code.
Find thermostat hereIf your washing machine displays the error code TE1, there is a fault with the thermostat.
Error code TE1 typically occurs when the thermostat is faulty. Replacing the thermostat will resolve the error code.
Find thermostat hereIf your washing machine displays the error code TST, the washing machine is set to test mode.
In case of error code TST, you must pull the cord from the socket and reconnect it after 30 seconds to resolve the error code.
If your washing machine displays the error code UC, there is a power failure.
In case of error code UC, the mains cable and the voltage must be examined. If necessary, pull the cord out of the socket and reconnect the machine to the power after 5 minutes.
If your washing machine displays the error code TST, the washing machine is set to test mode.
Error code UE typically occurs when washing large pieces of clothing. By washing e.g. bedding, it will clump together and will therefore create an imbalance in the drum. You can solve this problem by putting more clothes in the washing machine so that it creates an equilibrium. If this does not solve the problem it may be a sign of a faulty level control.
Find level control here