Samsung dryer error code

Error code BE

If your tumble dryer displays error code BE, there is a fault with the button. The reason may be due to a registration of one or more buttons being held down for more than 13 seconds. Loosen the buttons. If that does not solve the problem, then replace the button that is stuck.

Find button here

Error code DF

If your dryer shows error code DF, the door is open. This can be solved by replacing the door lock.

Find door lock here

Error code DO

If your dryer shows error code DF, the door is open. This can be solved by replacing the door lock.

Find door lock here

Error code ET

If your tumble dryer shows error code ET, there is a fault with the control module. This can be solved by replacing the PCB module.

Error code FE

If your dryer displays error code FE, there is a power failure. This can be solved by examining the mains wiring and voltage.

Error code HE

If your tumble dryer shows error code HE, there is an error with heating. This can be solved by replacing the heater.

Find heater here

Error code OD

If your tumble dryer shows error code OD, the machine has exceeded the drying time. This can be solved by cleaning the fluff filter. If this does not solve the problem, you can try cleaning the moisture sensor inside the drum. Also check the drain hose for possible clogging. Remove any exhaust hose and clean it. If this does not work, the exhaust hose must probably be replaced.

Find lint filter here

Error code TE4

If your dryer shows error code TE4, there is a temperature error. This can be solved by replacing the temperature sensor.

Error code TO

If your tumble dryer shows error code TO, there is a fault with the thermostat or the temperature sensor. This can be solved by replacing the thermostat.

Find thermostat here

Error code TS

If your tumble dryer displays error code TS, there is a fault with the thermostat or the temperature sensor. This can be solved by replacing the thermostat.

Find thermostat here