If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F02, there are problems with draining the water.
By cleaning the fiber screen, you can remove error code F02. If cleaning the fiber screen does not stop the error code, it is a sign that the drain pump is faulty.
Find drain pump hereIf your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F03, your washing machine has a faulty level control.
Find level control hereIf your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F05, there is a temperature error.
With error code F05, your washing machine has a faulty NTC sensor.
Find NTC sensor hereIf your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F06, the motor carbon in your washing machine is worn.
Find motor coal hereIf your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F07, your washing machine has a fault with the commutator.
Error code F07 typically occurs when the counter carbon has worn out.
Find motor coal hereError code F08 occurs when there is a fault with the heater.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F08, your washing machine has a faulty heating element. The heating element is typically defective due to a lack of descaling of the washing machine.
Find heater hereError code F09 occurs when there is a fault with the commutator.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F09, the motor brushes in the washing machine are worn out.
Find heater hereFault code F10 occurs when there is an engine fault.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F10, it may be due to several faulty parts. We recommend contacting us: 98 18 21 00.
Error code F11 occurs when there is a fault with the electronics.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F11, it may be because the control module is faulty. However, error code F11 can also occur when there are several electrical parts that are defective.
Find control module hereError code F12 occurs when water is detected at the bottom of the washing machine.
Error code F12 typically occurs when there is a leak. With the help of the lime trace, you can find the cause of the leak and where the leak is taking place. Once you've found which part is faulty, it's time to replace it.
Error code F13 occurs when there is a fault with the electronics.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F13, it may be because the control module is faulty. However, error code F11 can also occur when there are several electrical parts that are defective.
Find control module hereError code F15 occurs when there is a fault with the electronics.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F15, it may be because the control module is faulty. However, error code F15 can also occur when there are several electrical parts that are defective.
Find control module hereError code F18 occurs when there is too much detergent.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F18, it occurs when too much foam is formed which will seep out of the soap compartment when you use too much detergent. By using less soap, the error code will stop.
Error code F19 occurs when there is a fault with the commutator.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F19, it is due to worn motor carbon.
Find motor coal hereError code F20 occurs when there is a fault with the commutator.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F20, it is due to worn motor carbon.
Find motor coal hereIf your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F21, there are problems with draining the water.
By cleaning the fiber screen, you can remove error code F21. If cleaning the fiber screen does not stop the error code, it is a sign that the drain pump is faulty.
Find drain pump hereError code F22 occurs when there is a water level error.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F22, it is probably due to a faulty level control.
Find control module hereError code F23 occurs when there is a water level error.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F23, it typically occurs when the level control is faulty.
Find level control hereError code F24 occurs when there is a temperature error.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F14, it may be because the NTC sensor is defective.
Find NTC sensor hereFault code F25 occurs when there is an engine fault.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F25, it may be due to several faulty parts. We recommend contacting us on: 98 18 21 00.
Find control module hereError code F26 occurs when the door is open.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F26, the door of your washing machine is still open. Closing the door of your washing machine will most likely stop the error code. If the error code is still displayed after double checking the door, it may be due to faulty door locks.
Find door lock hereError code F27 occurs when there is an overfill error.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F27, it is typically because there is too much water in the machine, which can be caused by a faulty solenoid valve. If the washing machine is not filled with water, it is most likely the level control which is faulty.
Find solenoid valve here Find level control hereError code F28 occurs when there is a fault with the electronics.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F28, it may be because the control module is faulty. However, error code F28 can also occur when there are several electrical parts that are defective.
Find control module hereError code F29 occurs when the door is open.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F26, the door of your washing machine is still open. Closing the door of your washing machine will most likely stop the error code. If the error code is still displayed after double checking the door, it may be due to faulty door locks.
Find door lock hereError code F32 occurs when errors are registered during level control.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F28, it is due to a faulty control module, but can also be affected by other electrical parts. We recommend contacting us on: 98 18 21 00.
Find control module hereError code F33 occurs when there is a fault with the electronics.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F28, it is due to a faulty control module, but can also be affected by other electrical parts. We recommend contacting us on: 98 18 21 00.
Find control module hereError code FdL occurs when the door is open.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F26, the door of your washing machine is still open. Closing the door of your washing machine will most likely stop the error code. If the error code is still displayed after double checking the door, it may be due to faulty door locks.
Find door lock hereError code FdU occurs when the door is open.
If your Hotpoint washing machine has the error code F26, the door of your washing machine is still open. Closing the door of your washing machine will most likely stop the error code. If the error code is still displayed after double checking the door, it may be due to faulty door locks.
Find door lock here