If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E5, there is an error with the water supply.
If your Electrolux washing machine has the error code E06, your washing machine has a faulty heating element. Find a new heater below.
Find heater hereIf your Electrolux washing machine has error code E10, it is due to a fault with the water supply.
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E11, it is due to a fault in the water supply
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E12, it is due to a fault in the water supply.
The error code E12 typically occurs when the inlet hose with aquastop or the solenoid valve is defective.
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E18, there is an error with the water level.
Error code E13 usually occurs when the level control has failed.
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E20, the washing machine cannot get rid of the water.
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E21 when the washing machine cannot get rid of the water.
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E22, there is a fault in the water supply.
The error code E22 typically occurs when either the inlet hose with aquastop or the solenoid valve is defective.
Find inlet hose with aquastop here Find solenoid valve hereIf your Electrolux washing machine has error code E23, there is a fault with the electronics or drain pump.
The error code E23 can be caused by either a faulty control module or defects in the drain pump.
Find control module here Find drain pump hereIf your Electrolux washing machine has error code E24, there is a fault with the electronics or drain pump.
The error code E24 can be caused by either a faulty control module or defects in the drain pump.
Find control module here Find drain pump hereIf your Electrolux washing machine has error code E30, the door is open.
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E31, there is an error with the water level.
Error code E31 typically occurs when the level control is faulty.
Find level control hereIf your Electrolux washing machine has error code E32, there is an error with the water level.
Error code E32 typically occurs when the level control is faulty.
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E33, there is an error with the water level.
Error code E33 typically occurs when the level control is faulty.
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E34, there is an error with the water level.
Error code E34 typically occurs when the level control is faulty.
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E35, there is an overflow error.
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E40, there is a fault with the door.
If there are no problems with the door on the washing machine, it may be due to a clogged drain or drain pump. By cleaning the fiber screen and the drain pump, the error code will disappear. Check whether the pump bay can rotate. If the pump does not rotate, the drain pump is defective.
Find door lock here Find drain pump hereIf your Electrolux washing machine has error code E41, the door is open.
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E42, the door is open.
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E41, the door is open.
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E44, there is a fault with the electronics.
If there are errors in the electronics, it may be due to a defective control module or defects in other electrical parts. We recommend calling us on: 98 18 21 00
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E44, there is a fault with the electronics.
If there are errors in the electronics, it may be due to a defective control module or defects in other electrical parts. We recommend calling us on: 98 18 21 00
Find control module hereIf your Electrolux washing machine has error code E44, there is a fault with the electronics.
If there are errors in the electronics, it may be due to a defective control module or defects in other electrical parts. We recommend calling us on: 98 18 21 00
Find control module hereIf your Electrolux washing machine has error code F56, there is a fault with the commutator
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code F57, there is a fault with the commutator
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code F58, there is a fault with the commutator
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code F59, there is a fault with the commutator
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E62, an incorrect water temperature has been registered.
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E62, an incorrect water temperature has been registered.
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E66, there is a fault with the electronics.
If there are errors in the electronics, it may be due to a defective control module or defects in other electrical parts. We recommend calling us on: 98 18 21 00
Find control module hereIf your Electrolux washing machine has error code E71, an incorrect water temperature has been registered.
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E72, an incorrect water temperature has been registered.
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E73, an incorrect water temperature has been registered.
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E74, an incorrect water temperature has been registered.
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E85, there is a fault with the circulation pump.
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E90, there is a fault with the electronics.
If there are errors in the electronics, it may be due to a defective control module or defects in other electrical parts. We recommend calling us on: 98 18 21 00
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E66, there is a fault with the electronics.
If there are errors in the electronics, it may be due to a defective control module or defects in other electrical parts. We recommend calling us on: 98 18 21 00
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E92, there is a fault with the electronics.
If there are errors in the electronics, it may be due to a defective control module or defects in other electrical parts. We recommend calling us on: 98 18 21 00
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E93, there is a fault with the electronics.
If there are errors in the electronics, it may be due to a defective control module or defects in other electrical parts. We recommend calling us on: 98 18 21 00
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E94, there is a fault with the electronics.
If there are errors in the electronics, it may be due to a defective control module or defects in other electrical parts. We recommend calling us on: 98 18 21 00
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E95, there is a fault with the electronics.
If there are errors in the electronics, it may be due to a defective control module or defects in other electrical parts. We recommend calling us on: 98 18 21 00
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E96, there is a fault with the electronics.
If there are errors in the electronics, it may be due to a defective control module or defects in other electrical parts. We recommend calling us on: 98 18 21 00
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E97, there is a fault with the electronics.
If there are errors in the electronics, it may be due to a defective control module or defects in other electrical parts. We recommend calling us on: 98 18 21 00
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E98, there is a fault with the electronics.
If there are errors in the electronics, it may be due to a defective control module or defects in other electrical parts. We recommend calling us on: 98 18 21 00
If your Electrolux washing machine has error code E99, there is a fault with the electronics.
If there are errors in the electronics, it may be due to a defective control module or defects in other electrical parts. We recommend calling us on: 98 18 21 00
If your Bosch washing machine has error code EFO, it is due to water in the bottom of the washing machine.
Error code EFO occurs when a leak where water has arisen at the bottom of your washing machine. When the error code is activated, the door of the washing machine will be locked and it will therefore not be possible to get hold of the clothes in the washing machine. You can do this to access the clothes.