Ariston washing machine error code

Error code F02

If your Ariston washing machine has code F2, your washing machine has problems emptying the water out of the machine.

Find drain pump here

Error code F03

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F03, your washing machine has a faulty level control.

Find level control here

Error code F05

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F05, it is due to a temperature error

Find temperature sensor / NTC sensor here

Error code F06

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F06, it is due to a fault with the commutator

Find motor coal here

Error code F07

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F07, it is due to a fault with the commutator

Find motor coal here

Error code F08

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F08 typically when the heating element is faulty

Find heater here Find descaling agent here

Error code F09

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F09, there is typically a fault with the commutator

Find motor coal here

Error code F10

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F10, it is due to a motor fault.

Error code F11

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F11, there is a fault with the electronics.

Find motor coal here

Error code F12

If your Ariston washing machine has an error with F12, there is water in the bottom of the washing machine.

Error code F13

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F13, there is a fault with the electronics.

Find the control module here

Error code F14

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F14, there is a fault with the electronics.

Find control module here

Error code F15

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F15, there is a fault with the electronics.

Find control module here

Error code F18

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F18, too much detergent has been used

Error code F19

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F19, there is a fault with the commutator

Find motor coal here

Error code F20

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F19, there is a fault with the commutator

Find motor coal here

Error code F21

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F21, there is a problem with draining the water out of the machine

Find drain pump here

Error code F22

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F22, there is a fault with the door lock or the control module

Find control module here

Error code F24

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F24, there is a temperature error.

Find temperature sensor / NTC sensor here

Error code F25

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F25, there is a temperature error.

Find temperature sensor / NTC sensor here

Error code F26

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F26 when the door is open.

Find door locks here

Error code F27

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F27, there is an overflow error.

Find niveaukontrol her

Error code F28

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F28, there is an overflow error.

Find solenoid valve here

Error code F29

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F29, the door is open.

Find door lock here

Error code F32

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F32, the problem is with the level control.

Find level control here

Error code F33

If your Ariston washing machine has error code F33, there is a fault with the electronics.

Find control panel here

Error code FdL

If your Ariston washing machine has error code FdL, the door is open.

Find door locks here

Error code FdU

If your Ariston washing machine has error code FdU, the door is open.

Find door locks here