AEG Washing machine error code

Error code C2

If your washing machine displays error code C2, it is most likely the drain pump that is blocked. You can follow the guide below which will help you through the process. However, be aware that you should take the power from the washing machine by pulling the plug out of the wall, as a switched off socket is not enough.

Find drain pump

Error code C9

The error code C9 indicates an imbalance in the centrifugation. Rotate the drum by hand to check the bearings. If you can hear the bearings when you turn the drum, it is likely that the bearings are defective.

If you cannot hear the bearings when you turn the drum, it may be due to defective motor carbon. If the engine jerks slightly and then stops with error code C9, it is likely that the engine carbons are faulty.

If you do not experience the above with error code C9, you can try setting the washing machine to factory settings. You can do this in the following way:

  1. Close the door of the washing machine and set the program selector to 0.
  2. Press the soak and prewash buttons (the two buttons at the top of the washing machine)
  3. At the same time, turn the program selector counter-clockwise to fine-spinning
  4. Release the two buttons and continue turning the program selector until it is on 'off' (almost a full turn)
  5. If the washing machine continues to display error code C9, it is possible that the motor of the washing machine is faulty.
Find drain pump

Error code E10

Error code E10 occurs when an AEG washing machine does not take in enough water during the start of a program. You can fail-safe using the steps below:

  1. If the error code occurs while the program is still running, it is a sign that the drain hose is raised above the height of the drum. This often happens when the washing machine is on a raised platform. By raising the drain hose above the height of the drum, you will solve the problem.
  2. If the error still occurs after you have done the above, we recommend checking for a kink in the inlet hose on the washing machine. A kink in the inlet hose will prevent the water from being delivered to the washing machine.
  3. There may be problems with the water supply. Unscrew the hose from the tap, put a bucket under the tap and turn on the water.
  4. If the water supply is OK, we would recommend checking the filters in the inlet hose. It may be that the inlet hose is limescaled, therefore descale the filter between the tap and the inlet hose and the filter at the back of the washing machine.
  5. If you have gone through the steps above and the error code C2 won't let you go, it may be because the aqua stop on the washing machine's inlet hose is activated and therefore stops the water before it reaches the machine. You can buy an aquastop below.
Find tenants here Find aquastop here

Error code E11

Error code E11 is displayed on an AEG washing machine when the machine has a fault in the water supply. The reason may be one of the following:

Find solenoid valve here Find aquastop here

Error code E12

Error code E12 appears on an AEG washing machine when the machine has a fault with the water supply. The reason may be one of the following:

Find solenoid valve here Find aquastop here

Error code E13

Error code E13 appears on an AEG washing machine when the machine has an error with the water level. The reason may be one of the following:

Find level control here

Error code E20

When the washing machine cannot get rid of the water, the machine will display error code E20. Follow the steps below and we will find the problem.

  1. The error can occur if there is a kink in the hose. Fix the crack so that the water can access the washing machine.
  2. If you don't find any cracks, it could be a dirty piece of wood causing problems. You will find the fiber screen behind the cleaning door at the bottom of the washing machine. Take out the sieve and remove dirt and debris from the sieve.
  3. It can't just be the wire mesh that needs cleaning. The drain pump may also contain dirt. You can find the drain pump sitting behind the sieve. Also check whether the pump vane can rotate. You can check this with a finger. If it does not rotate, the pump is defective. You can find a drain pump below.
  4. If the error code is still displayed after cleaning both the fiber screen and the drain pump, it may be that the drain pump is clogged. Remove the drain hose from the washing machine and blow into it. If there is resistance while breathing, the drain hose is blocked. You can remove the dirt with a curtain spiral, a wooden strip or similar. For best results, soak the drain hose in lukewarm water first.
  5. When you have gone through all the steps and still experience problems with Error code E20, it is probably the drain pump that is faulty. This applies regardless of whether the pump vanes are turning or not.
Find drain pump here

Error code E21

Error code E2 appears on an AEG washing machine when the machine cannot get rid of the water. The reason may be one of the following:

Find drain pump here

Error code E22

Error code E22 appears on an AEG washing machine when the machine has a fault in the water supply. The reason may be one of the following:

Find inlet hose here Find solenoid valve here

Error code E23

Error code E13 is displayed on an AEG washing machine when the machine has a fault with the electronics or drain pump. The reason may be one of the following:

Find control module here

Error code E24

Error code E24 appears on an AEG washing machine when the machine has a fault with the electronics or drain pump. The reason may be one of the following:

Find control module here

Error code E30

Error code E30 appears on an AEG washing machine when the machine door is open. Close the door of your washing machine and try again.

Error code E31

Error code E31 appears on an AEG washing machine when the machine has a faulty level control. The reason may be one of the following:

Find control module here Find drain pump here

Error code E32

Error code E32 appears on an AEG washing machine when the machine has a faulty level control. The reason may be one of the following:

Find control module here Find drain pump here

Error code E33

Error code E33 appears on an AEG washing machine when the machine has a faulty level control. The reason may be one of the following:

Find control module here Find level control here

Error code E34

Fejlkode E34 vises på en AEG vaskemaskine, når maskinen har en defekt niveaukontrol. Årsagen kan være en af følgende: Find kontrolmodul her Find niveaukontrol her

Fejlkode E35

Fejlkode E34 vises på en AEG vaskemaskine, når maskinen har en defekt niveaukontrol. Årsagen kan være en af følgende:

Find control module here Find drain pump here Find drain pump here

Error code E40

Error code E40 appears on an AEG washing machine when the machine has a fault with the door. The reason may be one of the following:

Find door lock here